Tuesday 20 September 2011

Thought I'd try to post a YouTube video of Eric Whitacre's Go, lovely Rose. Something we might aspire to???    Doug      PS Hope it works!

Saturday 17 September 2011

If you are reading this, and you are also a member of the Barnby Choir in Wilmslow, well, welcome to the choir blog. And if you happen to know a little about blogging, as you obviously do, having got here, please consider offering me some help to get this thing going. In order for the blog to emerge as a thriving infant, some ante-natal energy and expertise will be required, and I think I will struggle to accomplish this on my own. I look forward to hearing from you - someone - out there, soon!  Doug (Sat 17th Sept 2011 - am putting a date on this though I hope and anticipate one will appear automatically)